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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bunny Tails Now on Facebook

Bunny Tails is now on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/bunny.tails


Adorable Polka Dot Bunny Tails All-In-One

This polka dot diaper was just too cute not to post pictures of! It's a size small Bunny Tails Minky All-In-One in Carnival print. Here are views of the front and back. Notice the super cute signature bunny tail? =)


I hope this fixes it!

I signed up for google alerts for both Bunny Tails and Bunny Tails Diapers in the hopes that I can more quickly identify any theft of my name or misrepresentations by others who decide they can use the Bunny Tails name on their own personal products. It's very frustrating when you've made your best efforts to ensure such a thing doesn't happen by legally licensing and registering your name and spending a lot of money to do so, only to find out it's being disregarded by others, either by unintentionally or deliberating using the same name. Basic, simple searching online would have revealed that the business name is already in use for the same type of product, as well as a shop account under the same name with basic product description on the same site as the thief. That leads me to conclude that at the very least they didn't not look to see that their chosen name was available, and at the worst, flagrant disregard for that fact. I can only pray this doesn't continue to happen while I await my official, finalized trademark application. Then again, just because I'll be legally trademarked doesn't mean anyone will actually bother to check.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Buyer Beware!

WARNING: It has come to my attention that someone else has recently decided to start selling diapers and covers using the name of Bunny Tails. However, they are not genuine Bunny Tails products nor does this person have any affiliation with Bunny Tails or permission to use the Bunny Tails name. It is a fraudulent misrepresentation of my products and constitutes theft of my business identity. Only diapering products purchased through www.bunny-tails.com are genuine Bunny Tails products.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

All-In-One Diapers

Here are some pictures of a preemie/newborn size AIO diaper in Tropical Paisley print. You can see the front, back, closure, laundry tabs, inside, and side views.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Diaper Covers

I took some pictures tonight of a preemie/newborn diaper cover in several views showing front, back, closure, inside, and laundry tabs.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

My new website is up!

My new website went up on Thursday. It turned out so much cuter than I expected and I'm completely thrilled with the job my designer did! I don't actually have any products ready to sell in the store yet, because my site was done much quicker than I anticipated. I was expecting it to take closer to 8 weeks. That way my products would be ready about the same time as my site. Instead it was done in 1-1/2 weeks. Wow! I guess that means I can admire my empty store in the meantime!
